Näin työkaverit, esimiehet, yhteistyökumppanit ja asiakkaat sanovat Monicasta.

Monica Niemi hade en mycket central roll i vår utveckling av verksamheten under alla mina 16 år som VD för Samfundet Folkhälsan. Den systematiska verksamhetsutvecklingen gav Folkhälsans ledning fungerande verktyg att styra Folkhälsans breda verksamhet som en helhet. Utvecklingsarbetet konkretiserades i många framgångar i vardagen och i en kultur där innovationer uppmuntras.
Stefan Mutanen, VD Samfundet Folkhälsan år 2003-2018
Monica has demonstrated that she is a great leader and coach for visioning, goal setting, and strategy execution. Her work at Folkhälsan earned recognition in the Balanced scorecard Hall of Fame for developing and implementing an organizational strategy and using those tools to achieve breakthrough performance.
Professor of Leadership Development Robert S. Kaplan, Harvard Business School
”Monica is a true master of human-centered, future-focused coaching”
Professor of innovation, design and management Alf Rehn, University of Southern Denmark
She has skilfully coached me in setting concrete goal`s and in making, sometimes not so easy, decisions to reach the set goal.
Professor, Research Director Anna-Elina Lehesjoki, Folkhälsan Research Center
Having worked several years with Monica has convinced me of her talented strategic thinking, consistent and goal-oriented execution skills as well as networking skills.
Volition Booster, Executive Coach (PCC) Ria Parppei.
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